When you can capture a pet’s personality, in a single frame, you’ve achieved success!
I consider myself an ambassador of Virginia, where we experience all seasons, sometimes in a day, and have a huge variety of animals and birds who pass through, or reside here.
While I prefer pets and wildlife, I am also a more than competent portrait photographer, and excel at digital workmanship, to include restoration, retouching, and composite/special effects work.
…but how much??? It depends, just like everything else, in life.
I like to say that I have “hassle factor” pricing. If it sounds fun to me, or I haven’t tried it before, I’ve been known to take on projects for free, or for travel expenses only. Let’s work out the details!
I would recommend about an hour, using approximately 15-20 minutes of this time, for the pet to relax, and allow us to get to know each other.
Most animals are motivated by AT LEAST one thing. As long as, that one thing, isn’t shredding ME, we can make something work.
One of my dogs was returned to the rescue a couple times, before we got him. He’s deaf, has brain damage, siezures, is food agressive, has potty training issues, and is just generally a di@k sometimes, stealing and destroying whatever he can get. He’s also the most photogenic thing I’ve ever seen.